Benachrichtigungen (Grundlagen)

In the case of important activities, notifications are triggered in easydoo to the persons involved.

There are two types of notifications in easydoo:

Image 301

Fig. 1 - Overview of how easydoo works

In Fig. 1 you can see that the access rights are controlled via the cabinet. Work items, sessions, documents and chats are stored in folders. Individual users and/or teams may be involved in this content. You can see who exactly is involved by clicking on this icon:

Image 1106

As soon as a relevant action is performed on one of the previously mentioned objects, all participants will receive an in-app notification.

In-app notifications

You can be involved as a participant in all work items, meetings, documents and chats. As soon as someone is involved, they are informed in the app about significant changes to the corresponding element.

The in-app notifications can be opened in the easydoo app under the main menu item "Activities".

The affected item can be opened by clicking on the notification (see Viewing notifications). The notifications can be filtered by type (see Filter notifications by type).

The following table describes the main scenarios in which a notification is triggered.

CategoryDescription of the activityReceiver
Workspace InvitationInvitation is accepted / rejectedSender of the invitation
Work Item,Work

Work item / work step is assignedAssigned person, persons involved

Work Item

Assigning SupervisorSupervisor, persons involved
Work Item,Step,File,Session

Completing itemPersons involved
Work Item,Work

Start / end date or time is set / changedPersons involved
Work Item,Step,File,Session

Deleting itemPersons involved
Work Item,Step,File,Session

Person involved is added or removedPersons involved (incl. added / removed person)
Participants will be addedAdded participant
ChatMessage is being sentPersons involved
ChatPerson is mentionedMentioned person
ChatTeam is mentionedMentioned team
TeamUser is added to TeamPersons involved
TeamUser is deleted from TeamPersons involved (incl. deleted person)

Under the linked articles, you can get detailed information about when exactly a notification is triggered:

Email Notifications

There are emails that are triggered by users. For example, if you send the minutes of a meeting specifically to a number of people (see Sending meeting minutes) or if you invite a person to easydoo (see Inviting members to the work surface).

In addition, there are the Daily Updates, which are triggered automatically on a daily basis. A Daily Update is sent when a user has at least one unread notification in a desktop (see Daily Notification Mail).

CategoryDescription of the activityReceiver
Workspace InvitationWorkspace invitation is being sentInvitee
SessionAdding external participantAdded participant
SessionMinutes of meetings will be sentSelected recipients
General«Daily Update», daily notification of unread activities in the work surfacePerson with unread activities in work surface

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