Work steps (basics)

What is a work step?

Work steps are planning elements that are each assigned to a work item. The basic idea is that the implementation of work items are planned realistically, so that it is clear when you are working on it and it is not forgotten (commitment). Recurring work steps can also be easily planned. This planning clears your head, because you don't have to constantly think about what you have to do soon.

Because each work step has its own name, you can also designate different activities in connection with a work item differently and later better understand when you have done what. The work steps are displayed under the "Planning" tab of the corresponding work item as well as in the calendar and resource planner. The calendar can also be synchronized with an external calendar such as Google Calendar, Outlook or Exchange.

What information is stored in a single step?

A work step can be assigned to the desired person and scheduled. In addition, the work step has a status (Open / Completed). Optionally, an appointment category can be assigned or a location can be specified. If it is a repetition of an appointment, additional information about the regularity of the series is displayed.

A work step can also be linked to other elements like an ordinary element in easydoo. You can also enter a description and create checklists.

Where can you create work steps?

On Work Items / always linked to Work Item

How to find them?

Work steps can be found and viewed in various ways.

  • Personal calendar: If you switch to «Calendar» from the main menu, you can view your calendar. You can see all the work steps that are planned for you.
  • Resource Calendar: This calendar can be opened from the wall. It displays the workload for everyone in your workspace. The utilization results from the duration of all work steps that are scheduled on the respective day.
  • Storage: In the cabinet, they are displayed under the "Work" tab in the list when you click on the corresponding icon.

When will I be notified?

In the event of important changes to the work step, the person to whom the work step is assigned or the participants of the associated work item receive a notification under the menu item "Activities". Typically, a notification is triggered when the work step is assigned or completed to someone.

Get started now

Create a new step

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